Monday 28 March 2016

Hogwarts House Dilemma

Like so many people my ages, I have a deep rooted love for all things Harry Potter. I will never forget the waiting for the new book, begging my parents to take me to see the latest film and the many (its sort of embarrassing how many) hours I spent reading and writing Harry Potter fanfiction. So of course, when Pottermore was founded in 2009, I couldn't wait to get stuck in.

The main thing I wanted to do was find out my Hogwarts house, and back then you had to go through all this other stuff first so I just sped through it all, completed the quiz and quickly as possible, and got sorted into Gryffindor. I'll be honest, I was a little bit disappointed. I'd always thought of myself as a Ravenclaw and because of this, I ended up staying away from Pottermore for a while. A few years later I went back, created a new account, and got sorted into Ravenclaw! I was so happy, and felt like this was the house I belonged in. I've always seen myself as being a Ravenclaw, and that is what I've always said is my house (not that many people ask or even care, but whatever).

So fastforward to now. A new sorting process has recently been released, with the option for old accounts to redo the test. I decided I'd give it ago, just so I could confirm my status as a Ravenclaw. Imagine my devastation when I was sorted into Gryffindor. Again. So I created another new accounts and decided to redo it (again) because there were a few questions that I was stuck between two answers on and I thought I would just pick the other one. But it once again said Gryffindor.

So if I do the calculations, out of the 4 attempts that I have made, I am 25% Ravenclaw and 75% Gryffindor. This has given me the strange dilemma of deciding whether to go along with the math of Pottermore, or my heart. Harry decided, right? But at the same time, I'm not actually that good at the logic problem solving that Ravenclaw's are known for. But I don't think I'm brave either.

After much deliberation, (and realising I own a plaque and pyjamas for this house), I have decided to declare myself a....

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